英語で委任状を書くときに役立つ英文サンプル 【3選】
2.英文委任状の例文 【公的書類の受け取り委任状】
3.英文委任状の例文 【不動産取引人関する委任状】
Date: January 15, 2019
Jack Ryan
PEDX Express
26-14 Jackson Ave,
Long Island City,
NY 11101,
Subject: Authorization Letter Claiming A Package
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to authorize: Mark Codman to claim a the package in your office as I am currently not able to do it myself.
To support my claim, I have appended two of my Identity cards, respectively:
• ID 1: Driver license
• ID 2: Passport
to serve as proof that I have allowed the bearer of this letter to claim the package on my behalf.
Should you have any questions about the identity of the person bearing this letter, you can always call me at 1212-12-1234, which is also reflected on my ID’s.
Thank you and I am hoping for your smooth cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Oldman
January 15, 2019
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私 "Paul Oldman"は、Mark Codmanを代理人と定め、御社オフィスの荷物の受け取とる権限を委任します。わたしの荷物受け取りを証明するわたしの証明書を2点添付します。
個人証明書: 運転免許証
個人証明書: パスポート
このわたしはMark Codmanに2019年1月から2019年2月5日までで婚姻届記載事項証明書の受け取りを委任します。ご質問等ございましたら、電話番号1212-12-1234までお気軽にご連絡ください。
Paul Oldman
1101 - 1109, 6th Ave, New York,
NY 10036
January 15, 2019
Jack Ryan
26-14 Jackson Ave,
Long Island City,
NY 11101,
Subject: Authorization letter collecting my Marriage Certificate
Dear Mr. Ryan:
I, Paul Oldman, hereby grant Mark Codman permission to act as my representative to collect my Marriage Certificate in my behalf. In order to expedite the identification verification process, I am including method of identity, start and end date, below:
Authorized Person: Mark Codman
Identification Type: Drivers License
Drivers License Number: AD21341431
Scope of Documents to Collect: Marge Certificate
Sample of Signature: (signature sample)
I grant permission for Mark Codman to collect my Marriage Certificate from January 15, 2019 to February 5, 2019. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 1212-12-1234 at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Oldman
January 15, 2019
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私 "Paul Oldman"は、Mark Codmanを代理人と定め、婚姻届記載事項証明書の受け取りに関し下記の権限を委任します。
代理人: Mark Codman
個人証明書: 運転免許証
運転免許証番号: AD21341431
受取り書類: 婚姻届記載事項証明書
サイン: (signature sample)
わたしはMark Codmanに2019年1月から2019年2月5日までで婚姻届記載事項証明書の受け取りを委任します。ご質問等ございましたら、電話番号1212-12-1234までお気軽にご連絡ください。
氏 名
年 月 日
Paul Oldman
1101 - 1109, 6th Ave, New York,
NY 10036
January 15, 2019
Jack Ryan
26-14 Jackson Ave,
Long Island City,
NY 11101,
Re: Letter of Authorization to Act on Behalf of Paul Oldman
I, Paul Oldman, hereby give Mark Codman permission to act on my behalf with regards to making any and all real estate decisions. The scope of this letter of authorization to act on my behalf includes any and all business dealings with said estate and business with no restrictions.
This authorization to act on my behalf will begin on January 15, 2019 to February 5, 2019, during which time I shall be away in Singapore on business. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 1212-12-1234 at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Oldman
January 15, 2019
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私 "Paul Oldman"は、Mark Codmanを代理人と定め、不動産取引に関する事項のすべてをの権限を委任します。
年 月 日
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