
英文メールで打ち合わせの日程変更を依頼するときに役立つ英文サンプル 【5選】






1.英文で日程変更を依頼するメール例文 【社外 シンプルな日程変更依頼】
2.英文で日程変更を依頼するメール例文 【社外 有望顧客への日程変更依頼】
3.英文で日程変更を依頼するメール例文 【社内 上司から日程変更の知らせ】
4.英文で日程変更を依頼するメール例文 【社内 シンプルな日程変更の知らせ】
5.英文で日程変更を依頼するメール例文 【息子の急病で面会の中止】

1.英文サンプル 打ち合わせの日程の変更依頼

Dear Jack,

I’m afraid I have to request to reschedule our meeting of afternoon January 21 because I have to travel to Singapore that day to resolve some urgent work. May I suggest February 10 at 1:30 PM? Even if it’s not ok, I am willing to work around your schedule.

I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. I am looking forward to your confirmation as soon as possible.


Paul Oldman
Marketing Director



2.英文サンプル 有望な顧客との打ち合わせ日程を変更する。

Dear Mr. Jack,

I regret to inform you that I have to cancel our meeting scheduled at 10 AM on Wednesday, 15th July regarding the future collaboration between our companies. I have been notified by my assistant that I must take a business trip to Singapore, which cannot be postponed. I sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience, as well as for my short notice.

I hope for your understanding and am looking forward to our meeting, which we could reschedule for the week of 21th, once I am back. For example, we could set the date of our appointment to Wednesday, 23nd. I kindly ask you to send me confirmation that you have received my email and suggest a new date for our meeting that will suit you.

Thank you once again for your consideration.

Paul Oldman
Sales manager




3.英文サンプル 社内メール 上司が部下へ打ち合わせの日程変更を知らせる

Dear Team,

I am writing to inform you that due to an unforeseen and emergent situation, I have no choice but to cancel our sales staff meeting scheduled tomorrow at 10 AM regarding our sales meeting.

Please accept my sincere apologies for such a short notice and any inconvenience this may have caused. I know how important it is for you to finally work out a plan for the next quarter.

I will write to you by the end of the week and suggest a new appointment date.

Kind regards,

Paul Oldman
Sales manager





4.英文サンプル 社内 打ち合わせ日程の変更

Hi everyone,

Due to a meeting room problem, the time of the project kick-off meeting has to be changed from Tuesday, January 21st at 2 pm in room 102 to Thursday, January 23rd at 16:00 in room 202

Sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Paul Oldman

営業部 各位 


さて、先般ご案内しておりましたプロジェクトキックオフの打ち合わせの日程を1月21日(火)午後2時 102室から1月23日(木)午後4時 202室に変更をさせていただきます。



5.英文サンプル 息子の急病で面会の中止

Dear Mr. Jack,

I am sorry, but I have to cancel our appointment regarding my Home Lone Plan that was scheduled at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, 21th January. My youngest son has been hospitalized with some complications, and I have to be at the hospital.

Unfortunately, I cannot suggest a new time slot right now because I do not know what we are dealing with. I will contact you as soon as I know the details. If you need any information from me, please do not hesitate to write to me at this email address.

I thank you for your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Best regards,

Paul Oldman


残念ながら息子の容態が不明ため、今すぐあらたな日程をお知らせすることができません。 もし私について何か必要な情報がある場合は、このメールアドレスに遠慮なくご連絡ください。



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