
映画で英語 - スティーヴン・スピルバーグ監督の「Jurassic Park」で英語を学ぼう


Director Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park masterpiece is one of the most successful films in worldwide box office history and remains a compelling and spectacular experience. This thrilling adventure features Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough. Featuring incredible special effects and action-packed drama, Jurassic Park takes you to a remote island where an amazing theme park with living dinosaurs is about to turn deadly, as five people must battle to survive among the prehistoric predators. (from: https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Jurassic_Park?id=4UATyl5_T2k&hl=en_US)



当時の最先端のCGで作られた恐竜たちは、誰もが夢見る恐竜の世界を見事に再現させ、映画の力をも見せつけた渾身の一作。もしどの作品から観るか迷ったら、この作品を観れば間違いなし。(from: https://filmaga.filmarks.com/articles/3180/)


Jurassic Park (1993) - Welcome to Jurassic Park Scene (1/10) 


Ellie: Alan, this species of veriforman has been extinct since the Cretaceous period. I mean this thing--

Ellie: What--

Ellie: Look at that...

Grant: It's... it's a dinosaur!

Ellie: Uh-huh!

Malcolm: You did it. You crazy son-of-a-bitch, you did it.

Grant: We could tear up the book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature.

Ellie: This thing doesn't live in a swamp.

Alan: This thing's got a... twenty-five? Twenty-seven-foot neck?

Hammond: Brachiosaur? Thirty.

Grant: Thirty feet.

Gennaro: We're gonna make a fortune with this place.

Grant: How fast are they?

Hammond: Well, we've clocked the T-Rex at 32 miles an hour.

Ellie: T-- T-Rex?

Hammond: Mm-hmm.

Ellie: You said you've got a T-Rex?

Hammond: Uh-huh!

Grant: Say again?

Hammond: Oh, we have a T-Rex!

Ellie: Put your, put your head between your knees and breathe.

Hammond: Dr. Grant. My dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Park.

Grant: They're moving in herds, they do move in herds. (to Hammond) How did you do this?

Hammond: I'll show you.


Jurassic Park (1993) - Chaos Theory Scene (2/10)


Malcolm: Eventually you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello? H-Hello? Yes?

Hammond: I really hate that man.

Malcolm: The Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. The essence of chaos.

Ellie: I'm still not clear on chaos.

Malcolm: It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking, and in Central Park, you get rain instead of sunshine.

Malcolm: Did I go too fast? I did a fly-by.

Ellie: I missed it.

Malcolm: Here. Give me your glass of water. We'll perform an experiment.

Malcolm: The car should be still, but that's okay. It's just an example. Put your hand flat like a hieroglyphic. A drop of water falls on your hand. Which way will the drop roll off? Which finger?

Ellie: Thumb, I'd say.

Malcolm: Ah ha. Okay, freeze your hand. Don't move. I'll do the same thing, start with the same place again. Which way now?

Ellie: Let's say back the same way.

Malcolm: It changed. Why? Because tiny variations... The orientation of the hairs on your hand...

Ellie: Alan, look at this.

Malcolm: ...The amount of blood distending your vessels... Imperfections in the skin...

Ellie: "Imperfections in the skin"?

Malcolm: Oh, just microscopic... Microscopic... That never repeat and vastly effect that outcome. That's... what?

Ellie: Unpredictability.

Malcolm: There! Look at this. See? I'm right again. Nobody could predict that Dr. Grant would jump out of a moving vehicle.

Ellie: Alan?

Malcolm: And there's another example. See, here I am now by myself, um, uh, talking to myself. That's Chaos Theory.


Jurassic Park (1993) - The Sick Triceratops Scene (3/10)


Grant: She was always my favorite when I was a kid, and now I see she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.

Ellie: It's okay. Microvesicles. That's interesting. Thanks. What are her symptoms?

Harding: Imbalance, disorientation, labored breathing. It seems to happen every six weeks or so.

Ellie: Six weeks...These are dilated. Take a look. It's okay.

Harding: They are? I'll be damned.

Ellie: That's pharmacological. From local plant life. Is this West Indian Lilac?

Harding: Yes. We know they're toxic, but the animals don't eat them.

Ellie: Are you sure?

Harding: Pretty sure.

Ellie: There's only one way to be positive. I'll have to see the dinosaur's droppings.

Malcolm: Dino... droppings? Droppings?

Muldoon: Yeah, I got that. The storm center hasn't dissipated or changed course. We'll have to cut the tour short. We'll pick up tomorrow where we left off.

Hammond: Are you sure we have to?

Arnold: It's not worth taking the chance, John.

Muldoon: Sustained winds at 45 knots.

Hammond: Tell them when they get back to the cars.

Arnold: Ladies and gentlemen, last shuttle to the dock leaves in approximately five minutes. Drop what you're doing and leave now.

Hammond: Damn!

Malcolm: That is one big pile of shit.

Ellie: You're right. There's no trace of lilac berries. That's so odd, though. All right, she's suffering from Melia toxicity... every six weeks...

Malcolm: She's tenacious.

Grant: You have no idea.

Malcolm: You will remember to wash your hands before you eat anything?


Jurassic Park (1993) - Tyrannosaurus Rex Scene (4/10)


Tim: Hurry! Turn it off!

Lex: I'm sorry!

Tim: You're the one who turned it--

Grant: HEY!

Malcolm: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Grant: Ian, FREEZE!

Malcolm: Get the kids!

Grant: Get rid of the flare!

Malcolm: Get the kids!

Grant: Get rid of the flare!

Gennaro:  Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord be--

Gennaro: No! No! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Lex: Dr. Grant!

Tim: I'm stuck! The seat's got my feet!

Grant: I'll get you next. You're all right. You're okay.  Tim! Tim!

Grant: Don't move! It can't see us if we don't move.

Grant: Lex! You're choking me!


Jurassic Park (1993) - Nedry's Plan Goes Awry Scene (5/10)


Nedry:  There's something here...tight...that thing there and...pull down this thing to there

Nedry: My glasses!...I can afford more glasses

Nedry: Oh, jeez

Nedry: I got time. I got time! You can do this Dennis you can do this.

Nedry: Hello?

Nedry: (Nervous) Oh that's nice. Gotta go.

Nedry: Nice boy...NICE BOY

Nedry: Hey here's a stick. See the stick? STICK STUPID!

Nedry: No wonder you're extinct...I will run you over when I get back down





Jurassic Park (1993) - They're Flocking This Way Scene (6/10)


Tim & Lex: I'm tired, and I'm hungry. When I get back I'm gonna have peanuts and...etc.

Grant: The visitor's center should be just about a mile beyond that rise. If we keep - -

Grant: What is that? Can you tell me what they are?

Tim: Gallimimus.

Tim: Here - - they're flocking this way.


Grant: Oh, shit.

Lex: I wanna go - -now!

Grant: Watch how it eats!

Lex: Please!

Grant: Bet you'll never look at birds the same way again!

Lex: Let's go!

Grant: Okay. Keep low. Follow me.

Tim: Look at all it's blood!


Jurassic Park (1993) - Back in Business Scene (7/10)


Grant: Good Here we go. Over the top
Take your time, tim
That's good. Come on

Find your footing
Find your footing

HAMMOND: Now, Ellie, you can't just throw the main switch by hand, you have to pump up the primer handle to give you
a charge. It's a large, flat, gray

Ellie: All right
Here I go. okay?

One, two, Three, four

Okay, chraged

Hammond: Right (good)! Now, under the words "contact position" there's a round green button that says "push to close!" Push it!

Hammond: Now Ellie, the red buttons turn on the individual park systems. Switch them on.

Grant: Tim - - you're gonna have to jump.

Tim: You crazy?
I'm not gonna jump.

Grant:  let go!

Lex: Do what Dr. Grant says

Grant:  One, two , three
I'm coming up.
I'm coming up to get you.

Lex: I7ve gotta get Tim

Tim: Okay I'm gonna count to theree.
One, two

Lex: Timmy! Timmy!

Grant: He's not breathing

Ellie: Mr.Hammond, I think
we're back in business!

Oh, my God



Jurassic Park (1993) - Clever Girl Scene (8/10)


Muldoon: Clever girl.


Jurassic Park (1993) - Raptors in the Kitchen Scene (9/10)


Lex: Timmy, what is it?

Tim: It'S a velociraptor

Lex: Follow me


Jurassic Park (1993) - T-Rex vs. the Raptors Scene (10/10)


Grant: Mr. Hammond, After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your Park.

Hammond: so have I.



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